Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 817 3719 2191 Passcode: Unity
H&I subcommittee meeting Meets every second Wednesday of the month at 6pm In person at 1290 Fillmore St San Francisco, CA 94115 United States
Meets In Person at 1290 Fillmore
SFNA is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting. Topic: SFNA Area Subcommittee Time: This is a recurring meeting Meet anytime Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 987 8159 2024 One tap mobile +16694449171,,98781592024# US +12532158782,,98781592024# US (Tacoma) Dial by your location +1 669 444 9171 US +1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma) +1 346 […]
Literature orders made online ( can be picked up and paid for in person at the Area Service Office every 2nd and 4th Saturday of the Month from 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM
Public Relations subcommittee meeting Meets every first Thursday of the month at 6pm Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 860 5820 5945 Passcode: 664667
H&I subcommittee meeting Meets every second Wednesday of the month at 6pm In person at 1290 Fillmore St San Francisco, CA 94115 United States
Meets In Person at 1290 Fillmore
Literature orders made online ( can be picked up and paid for in person at the Area Service Office every 2nd and 4th Saturday of the Month from 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM